Couldn't add any text to the post for some reason. user error in my case!! 1st pic is Bicheno and 2nd is view from Lake Pedder Lodge
Do some text first, then attach the pic. The pic will display in full size...and scroll the previous inserted text out of sight.
The cursor will slip down to the bottom RH corner of the displayed pic....hit enter for more text or the next pic.
Now attached pics will go exactly where the cursor is....caught me out a few times (still does sometimes).
Can anyone pick the corner?
I wonder if that gravel track is open again, been gated off for years.
Bloody steep at the start, then tops out at a tiny turnaround area with unbelievable ~340deg views (Mt. Roland is knocking out the rest).
The main road corner is also known as "The Abseiler" or "eff-off-corner". ;-)
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