[STICKY]My Pic Of The Day


Mapping the next ride...
Staff member
Got some rotten weather there, I think I'll swap my ticket for Bali or something :)


Part of the furniture
A few days at Warburtons Bridge near Castlemaine.

Left early, but still was a warm ride up Friday. Nice bridge near Taradale.

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Lovely camping spot, shade disappeared as the day went on, funny about that. Nice clean drop toilet, good spot for an Austouring camping trip.

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Couple of nice spots to sit in the cool though.

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George Langley, Ballarat sidecar expert, unveiled his latest sidecar sleeper. Worked well. He has 5 outfits and travelled around Aus with a R1200 RT sidecar with camper trailer. Legend.


Got very hot Friday, not much cooler during the night. Saturday another scorcher, spent the day either chasing shade or sitting in the river :giggle:

Started raining Saturday night and kept raining all the way home :cry:No sightseeing or photos, straight back down the Calder. Home by lunchtime, tent and gear hanging out to dry now.

Good weekend though. Cheers Ian


Part of the furniture
Another day in paradise. Yarra Glen, St. Andrews, Arthur's Creek, Whittlesea, Yea, home. Around 220ks. Weather perfect as I was home by 12.30, got a bit warm later.


Like you Pete on Sunday, hit some wildlife, luckily for me it was a butterfly :) unlucky for them :confused:



Part of the furniture
We had decided to out in the sidecar today, but Lynne was feeling a bit crook :( So I decided I would go for a ride anyway on the R80 :) Another short ride to Macclesfield, Yellingbo, Healesville then home by lunchtime.



Chum Creek Rd is always nice, except when cold and raining, but excellent today.


Maybe sidecar early tomorrow, Lynne is feeling better :)


Part of the furniture
Out early this morning before it warmed up. Similar route to yesterday, funny thing, roads seemed a lot more narrow and a lot more twisty :LOL:

Same spot, different day, different bike.


Another lovely day in the Yarra Valley.


The rabbits are pretty big up here.


Getting some strange noises from the DRz side of the shed, must fix that soon.


Part of the furniture
Short ride today. Packenham, across to Jindivick, Neerim South, Powelltown and home. Got home before it got too warm. Took the screen off, definately quieter and some more breeze. Good for summer.👍 There was a queue about 1 km long to get into Gumbaya World, the carpark already looked full, don't know where they would fit. 😕 Would have been a fun day, packed with people, screaming kids, over 30 degrees, what could be better 🤔IMG_20250103_120154_647.jpg


Mapping the next ride...
Staff member
Short ride today. Packenham, across to Jindivick, Neerim South, Powelltown and home. Got home before it got too warm. Took the screen off, definately quieter and some more breeze. Good for summer.👍 There was a queue about 1 km long to get into Gumbaya World, the carpark already looked full, don't know where they would fit. 😕 Would have been a fun day, packed with people, screaming kids, over 30 degrees, what could be better 🤔View attachment 6713

Looking good. The morning was quite pleasant, sure got pretty warm lateron.

Took the little XT out for a much needed turn, had to scrub in the new AX41 rear for Bernard, aye? :)
Turned into 150k's before I knew it W-)
Slow dawdle with a short lunch in the shade of tall gums and ferns along Donna-Buang Rd. gravel. Very quiet along the whole loop.
Picked up the Barkbuster plastics for the XT @ First Class Yamaha in Lilydale on the way home.

147k's on the trip-meter.... 4.2liter top-up. Jeez, this thing is easy on the wall;et.



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