A few days at Warburtons Bridge near Castlemaine.
Left early, but still was a warm ride up Friday. Nice bridge near Taradale.
Lovely camping spot, shade disappeared as the day went on, funny about that. Nice clean drop toilet, good spot for an Austouring camping trip.
Couple of nice spots to sit in the cool though.
George Langley, Ballarat sidecar expert, unveiled his latest sidecar sleeper. Worked well. He has 5 outfits and travelled around Aus with a R1200 RT sidecar with camper trailer. Legend.
Got very hot Friday, not much cooler during the night. Saturday another scorcher, spent the day either chasing shade or sitting in the river
Started raining Saturday night and kept raining all the way home

No sightseeing or photos, straight back down the Calder. Home by lunchtime, tent and gear hanging out to dry now.
Good weekend though. Cheers Ian